Saturday, June 6, 2009

Walking Adventures

My walk to the library today was full of adventures.

I was traveling along a paved hike-and-bike trail bordering a creek. The creek was at flood stage, as shown above. The trail went under a bridge at one point and was submerged under eighteen inches of water overflow from the creek. Fortunately, there were large rocks bordering the trail; and I was able to make my way under the bridge hopping from rock to rock like a mountain goat, with nary a splash or twisted ankle.

I was the only walker on the trail. Perhaps others of the pedestrian persuasion were intimidated by the bicyclists, who would typically yell "On your left!" and then hurtle past at top speed, sometimes almost grazing the walker. Today I flinched several times as bicycles came too close. I thought about bringing a baseball bat along with me on the trail. When the bicyclists yelled "On your left!", I could yell "Baseball bat!" and see if they gave me a wider berth.