Saturday, June 13, 2009

The guarded garden

Across the street from the library is a corner house with an elaborate flower garden, which stretches across the entire front yard. The owners have put great care into its terraces and color scheme. I often stop and admire the garden after I leave the library.

I tend to think of flower gardens more in terms of sanctuary and private contemplation rather than public display. Therefore, I would be inclined to hide my flower garden away in the back yard.

The idea of the garden sanctuary has a rich history. What would a British royal estate be without its well-groomed gardens? No Moorish Sultan worth his salt would be without a cool garden to refresh himself after business at the court or exertions at the harem. Asian potentates were fond of retiring to the quiet of their palace gardens. And all of these gardens hark back to the original garden, the Garden of Eden, which is described as a sheltered place of abundance and beauty.