Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In Cornfields New

On the morrow I will drive to eastern Iowa for a two-week vacation. This is my opportunity to adorn my blog with travel articles.

My approach will be shaped by the advice given in 1906 to the comic writer George Ade before he set off for Europe to write travel letters for a newspaper syndicate.

From Ade's In Pastures New:

"Don't put in too much about your travels. People have read about European travel until they know Munich better than they do Montana. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, write something entirely irrelevant - something that has nothing to do with anything in particular. The less you say about foreign countries the better you will please your readers; and if you can arrange to write a series of letters in which no reference is made to either Europe or Africa, who knows but what you will score a hit?"

I intend to follow this excellent advice. I will downplay the customary descriptions of fields of corn growing high as an elephant's eye. Instead, I will describe whatever strikes my fancy.

Note: If I have trouble getting ready access to the internet, blog postings could be erratic over the next two weeks.