Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Quiet Day Hiking

My younger son and I took a hike on the Apex trail system (specifically the Apex, Hardscrabble, and Pick n' Sledge trails).  As usual he found it a very easy hike but was a good sport about it; I found it a moderately challenging hike.  When I reach my goal of losing 30 pounds, it will be an easy hike for me, too.

The trails in the shadows were covered with a half inch of snow.  Sometimes the snow rested on smooth ice, as I discovered by the usual method of losing my footing and falling down.  Trails in the sun were slightly muddy but not a problem.

I had difficulty finding opportunities for nature photographs today.  The most pleasant scene was when I was surrounded by spruce trees.  But it's hard to capture the sense of being surrounded with a photograph.

My son and I startled a young deer.  By the time I got my camera out, the deer was nearly out of camera range.  Here is the best I could do.

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