Sunday, September 27, 2020

Roxborough Hike

My younger son and I took an invigorating hike at Roxborough State Park this morning.  

A cold snap had crept in overnight after near record temperatures on Saturday, and we found ourselves on the trail with gray skies and a temperature of about 45 degrees.  It was like some foreboding scene described by Nathaniel Hawthorne: "The clouds within a little time have gathered over all the sky, hanging heavily, as if about to drop in one unbroken mass upon the earth."  Nevertheless, my son and I were in a jolly mood as he scampered and I trudged breathlessly along the trail.

Here is a picture I took as we looked back on the Red Rocks jutting toward the sky.


Saturday, September 12, 2020

September Flowers 2020

My city had a killing frost a few days ago, but the area around my apartment complex must have been in a protected pocket.  The flowers were unharmed.


I was surprised to find that I had not written a blog entry since last January.  A new job, the plague, and a new interest in learning the dobro (limited progress thus far) conspired to crowd out my blogging.  Perhaps I will find myself inclined toward the written work again when the weather is cooler.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Monet Exhibit

I attended an exhibit of Claude Monet's (1840-1926) paintings today at the Denver Art Museum.  The exhibit of 120 paintings covered the span of Monet's life as an artist and showed his ever-growing devotion to color in nature.

I took my camera but then decided against obnoxiously pushing myself forward to snap photographs. 

One of my favorite paintings, here shown in a copy grabbed from Wikipedia, was Monet's painting Impression, Sunrise, which gave the name to the Impressionist movement.