Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Lasagna

My younger son and I decided to forgo the typical Thanksgiving turkey.  Instead, we made a Thanksgiving vegetable lasagna.

Here is the assembled tower of lasagna, ready for baking.  My son left two inches on every side of the lasagna for water to collect and then boil off.  This helpful technique keeps the bottom of the lasagna from getting waterlogged.

The finished lasagna, nicely browned.

With the addition of a side dish of asparagus and green beans and plates of homemade wheat bread, the Thanksgiving table was set.

My son made his famous oatmeal-raisin-cherry cookies for dessert.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Preparing for Winter

Now is the season for squirrels and me to put on fat for the coming cold months.  Here is a plump squirrel who agreed to pose for me atop a fence post.

The squirrel gains weight in obedience to instinct.  I, on the other hand, do it as a hobby.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Humbling Day

Yesterday's presidential election results surprised me.  I am humbled to confess that I lack the slightest knowledge or intuition of the workings of American politics.

This year I have already been humbled by my clear lack of understanding of international relations, the Federal Reserve, the stock market, and the principles of bicycle mechanics.   (I also do not understand women.  But, in this case, I have never been foolish enough to assume that I could.)